
TV Batches



hookups huntsville alabama Vol. 1-6 @ Batch (Period)
Blend S Vol 2-5 @ retiming (Owningmatt93)
Dimension W Vol. 2-6 @ QC (begna112), OVA @ Edit (begna112)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Vol. 2 @ TM,TS,QC, TM (SP2) (all Period)
Gakkou Gurashi Vol. 1-6 @ All (begna112)
Keijo!!!!!!!! Vol. 1 @ edit (skiddiks)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond Vol 1-6 @ TL/Edit (Sei), Vol. 6 @ encode (begna112)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OAV OAV @ TL (Sei)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Vol. 1 @ encode (Saeval)
Kono Bijutsubu Vol. 1-6 @ All (Period)
Koukaku no Pandora Specials @ TL
Love Lab Vol. 7 @ TS (begna112)
Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol. 1-4 @ retiming (begna112), Vol 5-6 @ edit (Period), TLC (shinchan)
NGNL Vol. 6 @ QC (Stein)
ReZero Re:Petit All @ edit (Nazaki)
Soushin Shoujo Matoi OVA @ TL (Areki)
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Vol 1-6 @ encode (begna112)



Persona 3 – #4 Winter of Rebirth

And so it ends.

Update: 1080p released! Also, 720p was missing some fonts, patch is linked below.
Update 2: Re-released 1080p. The file got cut off at the end in transit somewhere.
Update 3: Sorry for the re-release. Growing pains of our new distro script. If you download this to the same places as the old video, it should just complete the file download.

I’d like to take this chance to remind you all that we’re hiring. If you like what we do and you’ve ever thought “Hey, I might like to actually do something productive with my life make new friends subtitling anime.” then you should apply! We’re in need of Translators. Head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Saeval’s late p.s.: Wait a bit for the 1080p because this movie deserves it.

Translator – Aniplex
TLC – shinchan
Editor – Nazaki
Timer – Hybrid21
Typesetter – begna112
QC – begna112
KFX – begna112
Encoder – Saeval
Engrish songs: Japan

35 comments to Persona 3 – #4 Winter of Rebirth

  • On 01:32:11, it’s written as “Dimplomas”. Isn’t it supposed to be “Diplomas” ? Imo “Graduates” fits better, because it’s Highschool, not an Uni.

  • Black_Five

    Screenshots with the subtitles will be nice, especially because it’s not the first release

  • Saya

    Can you also re-encode the 1080p Persona 3 – #1Spring of Birth? The size was really big compare to other 1080p Persona 3 release. The quality is good but I believe it’s more better if it about 4~6GB size.

  • JoshyBoy


  • Actually, nice to see this.

    File sizes for movies are expected to be huge.

    There’s more there then in a TV Show, movies usually offer more and are more demanding then TV Shows.

    That’s what I understand for the most part at least.

  • kuro

    Many thanks for the release!

  • Fenrir


    when come the 1080 p version ?

    Thank you

  • FrV

    crc does not match for 1080p
    Both torrent and DDL is 78DDBE06

    • seems our new release system failed and didn’t transfer the whole file. We’ll get it fixed asap.

  • The illusionisT

    it seemed as if the end was cut off while the ending song was playing

    • seems our new release system failed and didn’t transfer the whole file. We’ll get it fixed asap.

      • Shademan

        The version currently uploaded still has the cutoff ending. Is the update about the re-upload from a previous version?

        • Not sure where you’re downloading it from, but it’s definitely fixed.

          [~/private/working] crc32 “[DameDesuYo] Persona 3 – #4 Winter of Rebirth (1920×1080 10bit 5.1ch FLAC) [68B82C59].mkv”

          • Shademan

            Downloading from the link on the frontpage. I deleted the one I had, and redownloaded it, and it cut-off at the exact same place in the ending.

          • nobody

            I downloaded the 1080p via nyaa using the new torrent link above. When the torrent completes, my computed file crc is 78ddbe06. On forced re-check the torrent says the video file is good.

            Interestingly, the magnet link gets unregistered torrent errors from both nyaa and minglong trackers.

            Is it possible that the torrent file hasn’t been properly updated for the fixed video file?

            • I’m sorry. Our new distro script screwed things up again even in the re-release. It should be better now. Just download it to the same places and the torrent should just finish downloading the file.

          • MechanicalLoyalty

            Mine is also cutting off during the credits. But it’s also taking forever to load different parts of the video while the others have worked just fine.

            • I’m sorry. Our new distro script screwed things up again even in the re-release. It should be better now. Just download it to the same places and the torrent should just finish downloading the file.

  • kuro

    many many thanks for the release!

  • DarCry

    Still waiting for this movie’s batch… Any word?

    • Didn’t know anyone was looking for one, to be honest.

      • Zphere

        Well, I still am. Would have loved to archive your release when all is fixed and finalized.

  • Nick

    Will there be reuploads for the 1080p DDL of #3 and #4?

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