
TV Batches



best hookup apps perth Vol. 1-6 @ Batch (Period)
Blend S Vol 2-5 @ retiming (Owningmatt93)
Dimension W Vol. 2-6 @ QC (begna112), OVA @ Edit (begna112)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Vol. 2 @ TM,TS,QC, TM (SP2) (all Period)
Gakkou Gurashi Vol. 1-6 @ All (begna112)
Keijo!!!!!!!! Vol. 1 @ edit (skiddiks)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond Vol 1-6 @ TL/Edit (Sei), Vol. 6 @ encode (begna112)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OAV OAV @ TL (Sei)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Vol. 1 @ encode (Saeval)
Kono Bijutsubu Vol. 1-6 @ All (Period)
Koukaku no Pandora Specials @ TL
Love Lab Vol. 7 @ TS (begna112)
Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol. 1-4 @ retiming (begna112), Vol 5-6 @ edit (Period), TLC (shinchan)
NGNL Vol. 6 @ QC (Stein)
ReZero Re:Petit All @ edit (Nazaki)
Soushin Shoujo Matoi OVA @ TL (Areki)
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Vol 1-6 @ encode (begna112)



Black Bullet BD Batch

Sorry for the delay. Things got hectic there for a while. Episodes 4 and 8 requires a re-encode so no patches for those. 

Next on the BD list is Nourin Vol 5-6, TG Root A Vol 1 and SEN Vol 04-06.

In other news, we’re hiring! If you like lolis (and l et’s be honest, you do) you might like working as my slave at DDY. Head to our recruitment page to get started.

Black Bullet Vol. 7

Batch out in a week or so

In other news, we’re hiring! If you like lolis (and let’s be honest, you do) you might like working as my slave at DDY. Head to our recruitment page to get started.

Black Bullet Vol. 6

Maria is being TLCd. The TLC has been sick. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Kohina wants to cut him too.

Patches below for ep10 dialogue font.

In other news, we’re hiring! If you like lolis (and let’s be honest, you do) you might like working as my slave at DDY. Head to our recruitment page to get started.

Black Bullet Vol. 5

Maria tonight. small chance of SEN vol. 1-3. If not tonight then tomorrow.

In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Tenchuu Girls Vol 4

JK. You wish there was a Tenchuu Girls anime. Instead, you’ll have to settle for the special that came with Black Bullet Vol 4 (which is what this post is really for).

In other news, we’re hiring! We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Timers, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Black Bullet Vol. 3

Vol. 4 has a small chance of being out this weekend.

In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Black Bullet Vol. 2

Black Bullet Vol. 1

I hope you’ve all applied anal cream to your routers for the absolute BD onslaught we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks~

A note on the OP: we’ve suspected that the TV’s OP1 was temporary for some time now, probably because the actual intended OP hadn’t been completed on time. The BDs basically confirmed this. All of the episodes came with OP2, as well as creditless versions of said OP2 — OP1 was only added as an extra, with credits still included. As such, we’ve gone ahead and used OP1 for the episodes that originally aired with it.

Black Bullet TV Batch


Look forward to the BDs, our encoder just about killed himself while working on it :>

The patches will only work with our latest files – that means if we’ve released a v2 for an episode, you’ll have to go grab that first.

Black Bullet 13

This show was a lot of fun but, man, I wish there had been more Kisara. Yes, we will be doing the BDs; in fact, we’ve already started working on them.

Black Bullet 12

Best loli is best loli. ‘nuf said.
Sorry for the delay. First TVA’s broadcast was messed up, then I had computer problems. :< -- Sereft: Hi. begna released this episode while he was dead on his feet and muxed in the HS script by accident. I am 320% certain that he’s asleep on his keyboard right now as we speak. v2 as soon as he wakes up comes home from work.

Nope. Just dialogue font. Torrent and DDL have been changed to the v2. If you downloaded the v1, patch is below.

Black Bullet 11

Black Bullet 10

You wont like her when she’s angry.

Black Bullet 09

Black Bullet 08

Dates with lolis.

Black Bullet 07

You have no soul if you don’t enjoy this.