
TV Batches



icebreaker dating app Vol. 1-6 @ Batch (Period)
Blend S Vol 2-5 @ retiming (Owningmatt93)
Dimension W Vol. 2-6 @ QC (begna112), OVA @ Edit (begna112)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Vol. 2 @ TM,TS,QC, TM (SP2) (all Period)
Gakkou Gurashi Vol. 1-6 @ All (begna112)
Keijo!!!!!!!! Vol. 1 @ edit (skiddiks)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond Vol 1-6 @ TL/Edit (Sei), Vol. 6 @ encode (begna112)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OAV OAV @ TL (Sei)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Vol. 1 @ encode (Saeval)
Kono Bijutsubu Vol. 1-6 @ All (Period)
Koukaku no Pandora Specials @ TL
Love Lab Vol. 7 @ TS (begna112)
Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol. 1-4 @ retiming (begna112), Vol 5-6 @ edit (Period), TLC (shinchan)
NGNL Vol. 6 @ QC (Stein)
ReZero Re:Petit All @ edit (Nazaki)
Soushin Shoujo Matoi OVA @ TL (Areki)
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Vol 1-6 @ encode (begna112)



Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 3) BD Batch

me: “Season 4 hasn’t been announced yet. I wonder what Snail is doing.”
snail: “That is how I spend my freetime, yes.”

See you for Season 4. There’s also a chance we go back and do Season 1 for completeness sake. But don’t bet on it being anytime soon.

We’re hiring skilled fansubbers. Must be able to balance in 3D Maneuver Gear. If this sounds like you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

22 comments to Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 3) BD Batch

  • Would love a batch of season 1 with multiple subs from you and gg…commeme is a plus tho.

    Miss me with that Eoten shit.

  • Can you batch season 2?

  • Peorth

    torrent doesn’t work with rutorrent, chunk size is too big

    • Peorth

      The magnet link, however, does work fine, haven’t tested the torrent from nyaa, just the anidex one.

  • bot254

    Yeeees, thank you!

  • WhoFramedRogerRabbit


  • hehe

    thank you!

  • Brett

    I definitely like the consistency of all the seasons being (re)translated by the same group.

  • WanAWanR

    Thank you very much!! Really appreciate your good work

  • fsadfa

    Just saying, HitoriBocchi was AOTY 2019 and still in the sidebar.

  • Kusiga

    With this posted I can finally start my binge of season 2 & 3. Thanks for all your work & would love to see season 1 done by ya’ll!

  • Since no one has seemed to notice and/or report it yet, here’s a public QC nitpick: NCED1 is missing the subtitle track. (For many groups, releasing NCOPEDs with no subs attached is sadly business as usual, but in your case it seems to be an error since this is the only one like that and the related font is present.)

    And with that said, thanks for the release. :)

  • Tykee

    Why does the video stutter in NCOP from 00:31 – 00:39 as if the video and the audio try to catch-up with each other? perhaps maybe heavy TL? or is it from my player? I’m still currently using good ole MPC-HC with CCCP codec. I’m noob when it comes to this technical things.

  • Dwerd

    I just finished episode 59 and wanted to thank you all at DDY for your subs of both seasons 2 and 3. Definitely the best I’ve seen, especially in BD quality. I would love it if you would be willing to go back and sub the first season BD for consistency, and I have no doubt whose subs I’ll be using for the final season. Again, thank you very much, and I hope you are all staying safe.

    • It’s something we’ve thought about doing, but it’s really up to the editor to have time and motivation.

      • Dwerd

        Thank you for your response. I understand completely. I didn’t mean for my statement to generate any unnecessary pressure or anything. I just wanted to show that there is still some interest in this (at least from me), since the possibility was mentioned in this post. However, I completely understand it is up to

        • Dwerd

          the editor and the rest of the DDY staff. Again, thank you very much. I am grateful for the work that you and all of the DDY staff have already put into subbing this series. (Sorry, my response got sent unfinished for some reason).

  • noobda

    Fyi, NCED1 is without subs

  • Meuva

    In DDL not all episode files are available in mega.nz folder

    • Yeah, sorry, after a while the files get pruned for inactivity. You’ll need to torrent it.

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