Kobayashi: A Space Odyssey
We’re doing some rework on season 1 to get it up to par with season 2. So season 2 BDs will probably manifest sooner.
Thank you again to all the staff.
- TL: ld
- TLC: Aria
- Edit: Nazaki
- Timing: Sarrink
- QC: begna112, Yura
- Kfx: logarithm(OP), begna112(ED)
- Encode: LightArrowsEXE
- TS: itsP, Zahuczky
Reminder that we only support mpv + libass. MPC-HC + vsfilter/xysubfilter results are not guaranteed.
We’re hiring skilled fansubbers. Must be able to cook omurice. If this sounds like you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
13:03 – missing period
14:44 – lag -> leg