begna112, 9 years ago
I will seriously miss this show. One of my favorites.
Only episode 10 in 1080p has been changed for batch, swapping the aac audio for flac. No patches available.
Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in need of KFXers, Translators, and Translation Checkers as well as skilled editors, timers and typesetters. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
More BDs incoming. Bonus CDs will be uploaded later today.
Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in need of KFXers, Translators, and Translation Checkers as well as skilled editors and typesetters. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
FLAC Bonus CDs: Torrent | Magnet | DDL
MP3 320 Bonus CDs: Torrent | Magnet | DDL
begna112, 9 years ago
She knows when you are sleeping. She watches while you fap. She knows that you’ve been waiting for this. But she forgot to get it gift wrapped.
Working!!! Vol. 3 sometime this week.
Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in need of KFXers, Translators, and Translation Checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
We’re here to invite you to Hotpot.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
Thank you for calling DameDesuYo, all of our Typesetters are currently busy, please hold the line and the next available release will be with you shortly…
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
Strange Juice is my Mistress, I am her pet.
Fun fact: A traditional Punch is made with five ingredients. Alcohol, Sugar, Water, Juice (typically lemon) and either Tea or Spice.
Do you love cute loli? Do you enjoy watching zombies getting decapitated by shovels? Would you experience ecstasy if it we’re a loli wielding said shovel? Yes? Then vote for Gakkou Gurashi! in the poll on the side over there. »»»
A vote for anything else is a vote against cute loli’s surviving a zombie outbreak. Don’t be cruel, vote loli survival today!
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
All aboard! The plot twist express is departing.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
Loli Mikatan is the cutest thing ever.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
Temporary new best girl. She loves BL and all things moe.
DanMachi is up next, probably.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL | Previous Episodes
itsP, 10 years ago
After waiting more than half a week for TLC, this is exactly the look I’ll give TLC-kun the next time I see him.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago 
Because you all deserve to know, all of the character’s names are jokes as are a lot of the terms in the show. We’ll post them as we encounter them.
Chichibu, Rabura: chi chi bura bura = swaying tits
Daihatsu, Meika: daihatsumeika = great inventor
Hikiotani, Ito: hiki(komori) ota(ku) nito = Shut-in otaku NEET
Narugino, Mikatan: seigi no mikata (this is a kanji joke) = ally of justice
Strange Juice: (st) orange juice
Chiranosuke: chira no suke = peeking helper
Iridatsu, Yuuta: yuutai ridatsu = out of body experience
Muhi: kanji joke removing the bottom of the kanji for kuma, meaning bear (熊), resulting in Muhi (ムヒ)
This week’s terms:
Tou-maker: toumei ika = transparent squid
Reizoukou: Basically, this is a pun on refrigerator (reizouko 冷蔵庫) but this “reizoukou” is written with different kanji (霊像交) which includes the kanji for ghost. We’ll need to wait for next week’s episode to find out what this really is.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion by clicking the image below.

Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL
itsP, 10 years ago
“I’d like to drink from her Juice Box” ~itsP 2015.
This show is epically awesome. Do yourself a favor and watch it.
Do it for the cat porn. Do it for the transformation sequence (which I have adopted for myself).
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion here.
v2 below is an identical script with less-toaster-killing OP kfx and a better encode. We goofed on the quality of the v1.
Do you have a need to avoid seeing panties? Well, don’t apply for a job here. Every day is filled with glorious panty shots when you take up fansubbing! Though if you were interested, we’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p v2: Torrent | DDL
itsP, 10 years ago
December 23rd: We Hotline Miami now?
The cat porn returns.
I’ll take the opportunity to suggest you watch each episode once for the laughs and again to pick up all the clues that are scattered throughout each episode. This show promises to unravel in a humorously convoluted way.
Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion here.
We’ve also made improvements to the encoding, so this and all future episodes will look spectacular. Episode 01 will also get a new encode soon.
Asteroid hurtling towards earth? Why not spend your last days fansubbing with us! We’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | DDL
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