
TV Batches



bi hookup sites Vol. 1-6 @ Batch (Period)
Blend S Vol 2-5 @ retiming (Owningmatt93)
Dimension W Vol. 2-6 @ QC (begna112), OVA @ Edit (begna112)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Vol. 2 @ TM,TS,QC, TM (SP2) (all Period)
Gakkou Gurashi Vol. 1-6 @ All (begna112)
Keijo!!!!!!!! Vol. 1 @ edit (skiddiks)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond Vol 1-6 @ TL/Edit (Sei), Vol. 6 @ encode (begna112)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OAV OAV @ TL (Sei)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Vol. 1 @ encode (Saeval)
Kono Bijutsubu Vol. 1-6 @ All (Period)
Koukaku no Pandora Specials @ TL
Love Lab Vol. 7 @ TS (begna112)
Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol. 1-4 @ retiming (begna112), Vol 5-6 @ edit (Period), TLC (shinchan)
NGNL Vol. 6 @ QC (Stein)
ReZero Re:Petit All @ edit (Nazaki)
Soushin Shoujo Matoi OVA @ TL (Areki)
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Vol 1-6 @ encode (begna112)



Under the Dog 00

Just cute anime girls doing cute anime things.

While this is apparently an unpopular opinion, I did like the OVA. It really left me wanting to learn more about this world. If it had been a real Episode 00 (as a precursor to a full anime) like it was meant to be, I think it would have been perfect.

Note: the digital download for this movie sucked. When my bluray gets in, we’ll definitely be doing it.

Staff Credits:
TLC: Koinuri
Edit: begna112
Timing: Owningmatt93
QC: Period, Owningmatt93
TS: Period
Encode: begna112

We’re crowd-sourcing subtitles and are in need of Translators. If that position appeals to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

45 comments to Under the Dog 00

  • It was never intended to be Episode 00. If you read up on the Kickstarter and what they intended to do if goals were met… this was intended to be the final episode. Had they had more money they would have made a prequel episode. Had they had even more money there would have been a second prequel episode. Had they had even more money it would have simply been a feature length film, but everything else that would have been done that isn’t in this OVA would have been set in the timeline before it, not after.

    • Their news page disagrees. It says “Episode 0” right there. The Wikipedia also explains this was meant to be a prequel to a 26 episode show when it was first conceived in the 90’s.

      • Well the Kickstarter specifically states that they would only create up to two prequels other than this had it received more backing. So something stated 20 years ago is irrelevant as it doesn’t pertain to the Kickstarter.

        • If you can watch this episode and read the information on the Kickstarter and not believe that they wanted and intended to do a series following this ova, then you’ve missed the point entirely.

        • Yes, it doesn’t say a prequel to what. It says “an additional” meaning the ova is already a prequel episode. And the official Under the Dog website calls it Episode 00, implying it is a prequel to an actual series.

          • To a series they never intended to make based on this Kickstarter… Ok.

            • I’m pretty sure one of the update videos with the interviews said that they hoped the response to this Kickstarter campaign would lead to financing an entire show, as well. It was a really early one, before the studio split. I’ll have to find it later.

          • I would like to see a full series order, and if this brings that forth then awesome. I only meant that the goal of that Kickstarter wasn’t ever about making a full series, but rather this single OVA or up to a full-length film based on backings. Unfortunately it failed to get enough backings for more, and most of the people I’ve seen talking about the OVA have been shitting all over it. I don’t get the hate as I enjoyed it, but whatever opinions are opinions.

            • From the ANN interview. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2015-04-27/under-the-dog-jiro-ishii-and-koji-morimoto/.87347

              Q: Hello, I just want to know how many episodes you plan to make after this one.

              JI: Originally the story was structured as a 26-episode-long series. [laughter] However, when we were trying to rewrite, to update the story for 2016, I am not sure – I’m still contemplating if 26 episodes is good, or if it should be shorter like 12 episodes, or if it should be a feature like a movie. [laughs] So I’m still thinking about that. I want to explain the reason for that. Since Under the Dog was supported by Kickstarter backers, they… The original plan was to make an OVA called Under the Dog, so we first would like to complete this first episode foremost. That’s the first priority right now, but after this production is complete, after this is delivered to the backers, then we can get feedback from the fans. Then we can start thinking about the next step, if we can make a sequel or we can expand it more, but that’s only after it’s complete and delivered. 

              In the sense of “that was what the Kickstarter was supposed to fund” you’re right. In their actual intentions for the project, not quite.

  • Steve Cloud

    off topic when can we expect re zero’s episode 18 and bd vol 2? thanks

  • jakwil85

    Aww, still no subtitles for English dialogues. Oh well.

    (i’m deaf)

    • Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t even consider that. I’ll see if we can put together some subs of the English for you tonight.

  • d00d

    what’s the 8 minutes that you guys cut? I saw some other videos with 38 mins, whereas you guys only have 30 mins.

  • This looked like shit. Where’d the trailer quality go? And the scenes too?


    • The digital download was horribly bitstarved. They offered only a 650MB 1080p download for what should easily have been >2GB. We’ll have to wait for the BDs to arrive to get the good video, unfortunately.

      • I literally DOUBT it will do any good. I mean, look at the trailer and compare it to the shit we got. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkN4apus2gA And again, where the fuck did the trailer scenes go? They advertise one thing, and then we get a completely different shit. What a fucking letdown.

        • I think it makes more sense given the context that the UTD team sees it as the first episode. The trailers were for the anime they want to make following UTD. https://youtu.be/xxymbXhrvDA start around 1:49

          • All right, this explains the trailer scenes not making an appearance in the released episode. But there’s still the question of quality, which makes what the guy says at 2:19 fucking hilarious:

            >we agreed this one episode out of 26 shouldn’t be vague or mediocre


            Aldnoah Zero was mediocre at best, but it can easily shit on this thing on literally every aspect.

            • What didn’t you like about it? I think I may have an inflated sense of quality because I enjoyed working on it.

  • Kamiyanstinx


  • Thank you for the upload. For one episode, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

  • Bob

    Looks like this could have been an interesting series…..shame it hasn’t been made :(
    Thanks ;)

  • I can’t understand why people say, this isn’t worth watching or is shit. I really enjoyed this anime. I am looking forward to the BD (¬‿¬)
    I also think this would make a great series. And thanks for doing it.

  • My thoughts on this is simple, it was very entertaining and a great episode zero (as a stand alone title, it’s only decent at best). I’m really disappointed that this won’t get an actual series, this had a lot of potential. I’ll definitely rewatch it once the higher quality version is released.

    • That’s still to be seen. Jiro Ishii, the writer seems pretty confident in interviews that it will. But the response seems fractured at best, so who knows.

  • 00SaS

    From the comments I gather that begna is super hyped about this… Thus I’ll give it a go!

  • lostinthedarkness

    Thank you very much. ^^ In my opinion, it was an interesting and exciting OVA, however it was too short. (¬‿¬) I surprised when the soldiers spoke English. ≧◡≦ I wish it would be continued. T_T

  • Kamiyanstinx

    Okay, this was actually interesting. Gimme 1-cour TV version.
    Btw, video quality wasn’t so bad and your script was pretty much perfect.
    Fully localized with western name order. Yeah, I hate that web shit.

  • Kuracchi

    Hey guys! Thanks so much for the OVA ^^ However, won’t you make sub for the english dialogues? Or have you already updated the episode and now there is subtitle when they speak English?

    • Kamiyanstinx

      Retranslate it by ear.
      Also, are you the person who bugs them about it on nyaa?

      • Maybe he’s deaf? Another deaf fella a few posts above asked them for this.

  • JoshyBoy


  • sieghunter

    You could at least sub the english dialogues, the official subtitles are far better than this one anyway, and don’t disrespect the backers like me.

    • I’m a backer as well. I have given my express consent for DDY to disrespect backers. The official subtitles are honestly trash with horrible editing and several translation errors.

    • Period

      the official subtitles are far worse than these

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