<@Steinr> WOW
<@Steinr> I’ve seen soem big foreheads in my time
<@Steinr> but that’s just crazy
<@Steinr> Foreheads. That is all
where is ep 12 at? (editing/QC/etc?) just came here to check if there was any news since i saw toki was disbanding an its under completed on here (maybe its just because all the eps have aired tho?)
Forehead? Back in my day we use to call those Fiveheads!
Thanks for the new episode! >_<
where is ep 12 at? (editing/QC/etc?) just came here to check if there was any news since i saw toki was disbanding an its under completed on here (maybe its just because all the eps have aired tho?)
Ep 12 should be out by today. Sorry for the wait!
no need to apologize, taking time out of your lives to provide these subs
side note, ALMOST anything is better than funi subs