begna112, 10 years ago
SPOILERS: The conclusion of the show is all the girls take a pole-dancing class together. For great justice.
Batch soon. As far as I know, there aren’t any changes to be made for batch. So if you see something, please report it via the public QC.
In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
Note: I accidentally forgot to label the folders as Vol 1-3. Sorry.
TG late tonight. ISUCA tomorrow.
BB vol 6 possibly Saturday or sunday.
In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
If the Blurays ever get released online or some kind soul decides to donate them to us, count on us to do them. :)
Only episodes 1, 2, 5 and 6 require patching.
720p: torrent | DDL | patches
Sereft, 11 years ago
Your suffering is delicious.
Kidding. Thanks for waiting on us, we hope you enjoyed the show just as much as our team did! Shoutout to our friends at Toki-Doki and SlowSubs for making this joint happen.
See you soon for the BDs!
720p: torrent | DDL
Translator – Funimation
TLC – shinchan
Editor – dorry
Timer – Floris257, Purefmwc (signs for 1-2)
Typesetter – begna112, itsP
QC – Steinr (1-3, 5-6, 8-9), itsP (4-12), Floris257 (1, 4, 6) cheshyre (1-3), Sereft (7-9, 11-12), xBeater (4, 10-12)
KFX – logarithm, Leona
Encoder – Purefmwc
Sereft, 11 years ago
<@Steinr> WOW
<@Steinr> I’ve seen soem big foreheads in my time
<@Steinr> but that’s just crazy
<@Steinr> Foreheads. That is all
Steinr, you okay there mate?
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
<@itsP> they caught me nekkid
<@itsP> meme likes what she sees
<@itsP> Anya’s wondering how it will fit
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
So sorry for the delay on 07. I know Tsumugi was upset. ^
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
I don’t even know.
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
Anya’s got all the goods.
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
Sorry for the delay. Final exams are looming over the staff at the moment.
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
The most moe thing you will ever see in your life.
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
There was some debate last week over which TV source was better. See for yourself.
begna112, 11 years ago
A bonus show for everyone! A three way joint between Slowsubs, Toki-Doki, and DameDesuYo. We will be kind of slow subbing this as we intend to wait for the BS Japan airing on Fridays.
In a joint with Toki-Doki and SlowSubs released under the tag [S-T-D]. Visit Toki-Doki HERE.
720p: torrent | DDL
Staff after the break.
Continue reading Soul Eater Not! 01
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