What do you mean there are nubs that refuse to learn the names of youma?
Yeah, sorry Shimazu-san Shaniqua, it’s true. Apparently, learning names is hard for some people.
Well, the vocal minority has spoken, learning names of youma is somehow totally different and infinitely harder than learning human names, so we’ve been forced to delay releasing ISUCA for the masses in order to create additional alternate subtitle tracks. There’s even a patch for the first episode if you found associating the name nekomata with the character on-screen simply too hard to process.
We wholeheartedly suggest trying all three tracks in our Episode 01 V2 release to find the level of localization that’s right for you. You should apply the patch for the first episode regardless, as it contains a few typo fixes on the main track.
Nekomata still best girl though.
For those of you who aren’t allergic to immersing yourself in Japanese culture and aren’t deathly afraid of learning something, the youma of the week is after the break.
We’re still hiring. We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Typesetters and KFXers. Skilled Editors and Quality Checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
01 v2 720p: Torrent | DDL | V1 to V2 Patch
02 720p: Torrent | DDL | Patch to add Pokémon subtitle track
Kodama nezumi: Kodama = Spirit that lives within a tree, Nezumi = Rodent. The kodama nezumi featured this week isn’t too dissimilar from the one described in the link. Except instead of rupturing into giblets of flesh it ruptures into an army of rats. The kodama nezumi in the show this week also bears resemblance to a tetsunezumi or tesso, in that it commands said army of rats.
<- Not allergic to immerse in Japanese culture.
LOL. “Pokemon” – “Aren’t you a misty?”
Thanks :D
and here I hoped for a new encode with no censoring for tha gore’n’exxhiness… and what do I get? subnormal intellect adaptation?
it’s like the translation of cities names: instead of having 1 name for every city, the original one, let’s just translate it in dozens of languages… muhahahhahahaha!
There is no airing version which is uncensored. You simply have to wait for the BDs.
btw: how would the bakaneko-bakeneko joke fare if one is low on brain processing power? awwww T_T
I seriously thought you added a Pokemon track T_T You disappoint.
It would have been fitting for this horrible adaption based off of a horrible manga.
We, huh, actually did.
It’s only on ep. 1 for now, it’ll arrive later for ep. 2
You can just tell the leechers to screw themselves and sub the show whichever way you like, you know. I highly recommend it.
no memerino pl0x
Says the guy who localize shit like tsundere
Localization ftw.
Getting rid of honorifics and other shit would also be 10/10.
User name Tooru and not Thor. How ironic.
Oh, is that line supposed to be srs? I’ll just add some stupid American iodim then, leechers will love it. huehuehue
pls no Xythar level subs, DDY
Xythar is right, why would they care about the people they are subbing for?
“I sub for myself, I don’t care about the leechers” the fansubber repeated to himself out loud while composing a passive aggressive tweet concerning the latest piece of criticism his work received.
Thank you for the release ^^
So, er, actually there’s no major change compared to 01v1, right?
You should just check out the alternative tracks in ep1v2 anyway. We insist.
The main track has only minor corrections, nothing that would change the story.
The Patch is mainly to add in the additional subtitle tracks.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot and still waiting for Soul Eater Not BD
So no need to download it again for sane people, right?
Will do anyway, just to have a laugh…
I patched the first episode just for giggles and I certainly got those. Well played.
Personally, I don’t understand why some people feel the need to see proper nouns translated. If there is a deeper meaning that adds relevance then a note somewhere – as you already did – should more than suffice. Some people just can’t be bothered to learn new things. Just my unsolicited opinion though.
Thanks for the good work and for the laughs!
You can put in as many subtitle tracks as you want as long as the main one is still the original, non-localized one. ;)
Oh, and thanks for the release of the second episode!
Thanks for the awesome release.
Also thanks for not inflicting derp names upon us :)
And yes, Nekomata best girl.
I’m looking forward to seeing more Suseri actually… Tamako is best girl at the moment, but if Suseri seems better… I’ll change my mind :D
So I heard you like the nekomata. Here, have the latest Megami scan: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1914548?tags=isuca
Lol watched the Episode twice, the Pokemon Subs were really good
I was bewildered to see 3 tracks once I finished watching it on default and wondered what was up with that.
Thanks for choosing the saner default track and not the other way around from some of these other commie-like infested groups been doing. That type of influence is spreading and trying to kill any Japanese culture from these animes. It’s disturbing. Thanks Dame.
Lol. No problem. We take subbing seriously but when we came up with the idea it was too good to pass up.
Winter with Isuca.
Spring with DxD.
Maybe. We don’t usually start planning for a season until about two weeks before.
Fingers crossed anyway, dude. :D
Depends, I wouldn’t exactly want to work on it. FFF did fine with the second season; don’t see why they wouldn’t do the third.
I’d rather just watch FFF than work on a show I enjoy watching.
I’d probably still watch FFF even if we picked it up.
Eien is retiring.
Your mom is retiring and she’d like to rent the basement out. You’ll need to move out :(
Why so nasty, begna-tsundere-kun?
I typed “your mom is retiring” and just couldn’t stop myself.