April is upon us and with it comes the beginning of the spring season. We saw what you would like us to sub in the poll and we’re glad that most of you have tastes similar to our own. So, with no further ado, read on past the break for our plans.
Spring 2015 Plans
First up, the show that isn’t at all an ecchier SAO and your Number 4 pick, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru darouka.
Translator: Simulcast
TLC: Koinuri or Rageo (TBD)
Editor: tomoda
Timer: AtomThe1337
Typesetter: begna112, itsP
QC: Xenath3297, Period
Encoder: Majin3
KFX: logarithm
Track 2 on this playlist is Denpa Kyoushi. I don’t know why Japan thinks that an anime about Radio Technology teachers will be entertaining, but I do know that that’s Period’s fetish. So get to your seat, class is in session.
Translator: usui-takumi
TLC: shinchan
Editor: Period
Timer: Narcissist1c
Typesetter: itsP and/or dunk and/or begna112
QC: Xenath3297, WZ1, begna112 and/or itsP
Encoder: begna112 or LotusGG
KFX: logarithm
BA dum DUM dum DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Your first pick (and ours honestly)… Owari no Seraph! Saeval really wanted to do because he’s got a thing for shota vampires. If he says it was for the OST, don’t believe him. He’s lying.
Translator: Funimation or Oosran
TLC: Oosran or Koinuri
Editor: solowing
Timer: OwningMatt93
Typesetter: aVF
QC: Period, Mets, Nazaki
Encoder: Saeval
KFX: logarithm
This will be a joint with DerpSubs. Our current plan is for this to be an original translation. However, if Funi’s script turns out to not be abysmal, we may use it as a translation base.
The last show on the DDY roster is Punchline. When we saw the PV, well first, we passed out from blood loss. Finally, once Rageo resuscitated us, we put our heads together and thought about if we could possibly forgive ourselves if we did not sub this show.
Translator: Simulcast
TLC: Koinuri or Rageo (TBD)
Editor: begna112
Timer: Sarrink
Typesetter: begna112, itsP
QC: WZ1, Nazaki
Encoder: LotusGG
KFX: logarithm
720p: Preview Torrent
This is the part of the announcement post where I remind you all that servers don’t come for free and I’m currently paying the vast majority of the cost out of pocket. In that light, I’d like to ask that, if you appreciate the work we do, please consider helping us cover our costs, currently ~100$ per month. We’ve set up a Gratipay button in the sidebar so you can donate and see how much we receive weekly. Remember that even many small donations can add up!
By now, I’m sure that you’ve all come to expect that BDY will pick up the shows we worked on each season. That is no less true now than ever. If you want to help us buy some of the BDs that don’t seem to be appearing online any time soon like Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?, you can either donate or buy the BD from our Amazon Wishlist and it will make it to us. If you would prefer to buy a whole season of BDs and keep them yourself, we can arrange that too. Make sure to let us know soon either on IRC or email.
Our future plans are as follows:
» Junketsu no Maria
» Tokyo Ghoul √A
Unfortunately, Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika does not appear to have a Bluray release, only DVD. So, we will not be doing anything but a TV release. If a Bluray appears, we may pick it up.
Continuing projects that will be batched under the [BlurayDesuYo] or [ChihiroDesuYo] tag include:
» Amagi Brilliant Park (using Vivid’s script)
» Soul Eater Not!
» Trinity Seven
» Majimoji Rurumo (assuming Majin3 ever starts encoding them)
» Black Bullet
» Love Lab
» No Game No Life
» Nourin
Public QC
The Public QC system we set up three seasons ago has been a great help! You all have been letting us know when we mess up, especially when it’s a bigger problem and we want to thank you for that. So this is just a reminder that DDY isn’t perfect but we want to make sure our mistakes get caught. So, even if you think that someone else has already told us about an error, please do submit a public QC because you never know, perhaps no one has sent it in yet.
Welcome our new staff!
We’d also like to give a warm welcome to the staff that has joined us since last season:
- LotusGG: Encoder, Timer
- WZ1: QC
- AtomThe1337: Timer
- Narcissist1c: Timer
- solowing: Editor/QC
- Mets: QC
- Koinuri: TLC
We’ve been pushing pretty hard for new recruits lately and, as you can see above, we’ve been pretty successful. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t need any more help! Even with lots of new staff, sometimes schedules don’t work or issues come up and we need replacements or we’d just like to get more done more quickly. We’re in special need of Typesetters. We are willing to train typesetters, so, if you’re interested let us know. We’re also accepting applications for Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Timers and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
Wow, really glad you picked Owari no Seraph, I wanted Kekkai Sensen too though but it’s okay these projects are great, good luck guys.
Hell Yeah! I’m so glad you pick up all the anime I’m watching.
I feel like I’m always forgotten
Begna is just the most forgetful person on earth, don’t take it personally.
If it’s not part of my routine, i don’t remember it
Lol, it’s fine, I intended that comment to be more joking
Yes! Punchline FTW!
So cool that you are picking up some of the shows I wanted to see! Love your subs, keep up the great work!
Thank you for picking up Punchline! Also if you’re still training people for typesetting over the summer I’ll for sure sign up!
Sure thing. Hop in to #DDY-Recruits on rizon irc when ur ready
YAY Danmanchi!
Finally I can see Shinoa! XD
Bit trolly to make Digimon Tri the release pic when you’re not picking it up.
Undeniably so. it was meant to be an april fools post but got delayed due to illness
Shame i was expecting High School DxD Born.
The Oppai Dragon song
Thanks DameDesuYo for subbing Dungeon ni Deai I have the second longest name in the whole season.
So is Maria going to be released soon?
God i hope so.
Pray to Rageo, God of TLC.
Not bad choices here. Thanks.
I think I will watch only Dungeon ni Deai and Owari no Seraph!. THe other two don’t look good for me.
Please finish Maria. It is taking long time
They’ll all be good, hopefully.
” said Period in fear, as Denpa’s airing drew closer and closer.
Owari no Seraph, Punch Line and DanMachi will be simulcasted by CR and Funi but Denpa Kyoushi aren’t (at least not yet) so you guys should sub that one first, thank you :)
Lol we’ll work on them as they air. Most of the teams are set up so work can happen simultaneously without interrupting the other shows.
Good to know that, thanks :)
How long usually does it take for you guys to sub an episode?
Under normal circumstances 24-36 hours. Really depends on the show and what video source we choose. If the video source is late, so too will be the subs. And then, sometimes, a crazy monk throws us off and makes every second of the show agony to work on. (I’m looking at you, Bernard.)
Are you planning some h265/hevc revolution this season?
That compression is just wonderful.
Coal started to favour HEVC already. ^
Not a chance. Maybe in a year or two. It’s not nearly mature enough. I would let Saeval or Majin3 tell you all about that however.
What Begna said. x265 is not as good as x264 still. It is, however, extremely slower in terms of encoding time, if you want a decent quality.
Still sucks that there’s no more delicious brown in Punchline. But still, I’m happy that you’ll sub it.
We were kinda surprised as well tbh. But definitely looking forward to it anyway.
At which day of the week will you plan Owari no Seraph , im trying to set my rainlendars events for this season so some estimated day would be great . Will this be more a Sunday or a Monday release ? Or later cause its your original translation .
It should be out Mondays. At the latest tuesday, and only then if for some reason there is an encoding delay (as there likely will be this week because of Easter).
Okay , thanks , this show looks like its going to be one of the better ones this season , altough the whole season is full of interesting shows . Much more than the last season .
Having just watched TL and edit in progress, I think I can happily say it’ll be worth the wait.
And here I thought u were doing Digimon cuz of the post picture. lol
Blame begna12345
Who’s hyped for PunchLine?