Mou! Onii-chan, are you watching anime again?
Check out our new DopeFX©.
A joint with our friends at DerpSubs.
Get smug with DDY. We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
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“I’m always watching anime, Imouto yo…”
Thank you !
Thank you DDY & DerpSubs
more exciting :D
I swear these vampires are getting too OP.
Fillers should start with episode 8 or 9. :<
Haha! Great Caption. :P
Opening KFX is broken.
Damn, that cliffhanger tho. The fight was good =( I want moaar.
How is it broken? Looks fine for me.
Weird, the the middle of the opening (when there is a part of the lyrics in English) all lyrics disappear and I can only see the FX. Ending is ok, and script is also ok, I just had that issue with OP in this particular episode.
what are you watching it with?
VLC, the same player I always use. First time it happens with some of your releases. Well, if you say it’s ok, then it’s ok, maybe it was some temporal derp of my laptop.
it’s probably vlc to be honest.
Switch to CCCP or mpv if you want to be (almost) sure of encountering no problems.
I’ve had problems using other players than VLC, slow playback, not letting me use the softsubs I want, green bars, etc. VLC has more options, yes, it’s not perfect, but I’ve tried to change to others but no luck.
MPC is fugly as hell also jajaja.
Again, it’s the first time I’ve had any issues with DDY releases, maybe this was just that “once”.
It seems like you have problems with VLC now though :P
You probably tried some random codec pack or maybe an earlier versions. Give the ones I suggested a try, I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Especially mpv, you can even use it without installing anything.
Ok, downloading MPV, I’ll give it a try with noragami as soon dame has it. ;) #NoHurryGuys
thank you for the episode!
and the KFX (y)
I feel like absolutely nothing of importance has happened this season and we are seven episodes in. The QUALITY animation in this episode was very very prevalent. Hope they are saving dat money for something good :/
they’re saving for season 3
Test of faith to see if I can hold out. :< Only watching for Shinoa and that red hair punching girl atm lol
Good taste. Mito’s my fav, the TL likes her too.
As for stuff happening, I guess it’s true that nothing explicit has happened but it’s still overall a more intriguing story than S1 was, now that we’re getting more insight into the politics of the Demon Army and the vampires.