Sorry for the delay. I seem to have gotten the entire team sick. I should stop sleeping around so much.
Enjoy the new ED kfx.
Would you die to save best girl? What if I told you that fansubbing will help you do that? Join us in saving best girl. We’re in need of KFXers, Translators, and Translation Checkers as well as skilled editors, timers and typesetters. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
If you stop sleeping around with your harem you will no longer get to call yourself the harem king begna112?
Please do not give up your dreams.
>tfw no cute loli maids
Pretty nice ed kfx tbqh famalams
it just keeps getting better!
Thanks for the new release!
Man, why is this show so good?
dat ED typeset? dat ED typeset.
Best girl, okay?
What’s after TLC or is that the end?
It varies between groups, but I believe editing is next. (Doesn’t make much sense to edit first if some of the lines might be flat-out wrong–with the exception of when the editor is fluent in Japanese themselves, and can therefore double as the TLC.)
If necessary, typesetting and QC come after that as well.
Note that I’m not a member of DDY, so anything they say to the contrary should be taken as canon.
CR scripts usually don’t require much TLC, so I’m pretty sure that editing comes first.
Really? I’d have thought that you’d TLC after editing, to ensure that the script post-edit still retains the intended meaning.
I believe that some groups do that, but couldn’t tell you for sure. I suspect that DDY edits after TLC though. In the sidebar progress report for “Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika”, early episodes are at Edit/Typesetting, but later episodes are at TL/TLC. Assuming that nothing led to the later episodes progressing faster than the early ones, this suggests that editing comes after TL/TLC.
As a personal anecdote from me (an editor, though not for a fansub group): one of the responsibilities of an editor is to preserve the meaning in what they’re given. Assuming that the script is already correct and that the editor is competent, the editor should be able to improve the script without changing its meaning. If a change in meaning seems necessary (or the text is ambiguous) then a check with the author—or in this case a translator—should take place to ensure accuracy.
This is a good blog post on the fansubbing process:
Sankyu for the release
You keep saying you sank them, but you didn’t. Fuck off m8.
Hey, no bullying.
Someone actually tried to sank them under the pretense of thanks!? O.O
Did you guys lose your TLC? Or you guys need more in general?
In what language is the “Outro” thing for the part after the ED?