begna112, 8 years ago
Having some issues with our seedbox. Might be a while before all the links below work.
A warm thanks to neko-raws for providing the BDMVs.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Patches
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Patches
begna112, 8 years ago
We’ll see you for season three whenever that happens. OAD 2 and BD batch soonish.
Update: It came to our attention that we muxed the wrong video for episode 10 1080p. v2 torrent corrects that issue.
A warm thanks to neko-raws for providing the BDMVs.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
Or Noragami OAD #3… because the animators can’t decide which season this OAD is in.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
OAD: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
A picture speaks a thousand words.
A warm thanks to neko-raws for providing the BDMVs.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
A bluray is born.
A warm thanks to neko-raws for providing the BDMVs.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
1080p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
Do you know what I see?
The OVA is being TLd now.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
11 720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
12 720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
/me whispers things about next season plans
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
Hikigami is kinda hot.
Sorry for late release. Thanksgiving travel, a week without internet, work and final exams kept me from getting this out sooner. Oh and reading all of Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko today after work. Good shit.
Episode 10 hopefully tomorrow. TLC has been unavailable.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
Period, 9 years ago
…by getting this episode out for him her.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | Previous Episodes
begna112, 9 years ago
This is how much fansubbux I need to get a shrine devoted to begna.
I forgot OPED fonts. Patch below.
Got an Ayakashi in your closet? We can teach you to get rid of it with Aegisub for just 5 yen! We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: Torrent | Magnet | DDL | PATCH | Previous Episodes
begna112, 10 years ago
The OADs are, unfortunately, completely new video and audio on top of having script changes so there will be no patches for them. Additionally, OP2 is now included. this was not released before.
Nourin 1&2 are almost ready for release. expect them in the next day or two.
In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | patch | DDL
1080p: torrent | patch | DDL
OADs: torrent | No Patches for this release | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
The batch will be out later this week under the [BlurayDesuYo] tag. The Batch will include the OADs. Patches will be included.
In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
Here’s to hoping Vol. 6 will be out soon!
Black Bullet Vol. 3 will be out shortly.
In other news, we’re hiring! If helping to make subtitles appear like magic sounds like something you might want to do, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
This and more BDs in the near future.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
As always, Weeaboo script is default and the Localized script is a secondary track.
Working on some Bluray backlog and should be catching up very quickly here soon. Black Bullet, Love Lab , NGNL, Nourin, Onee-chan ga Kita (probably) in that order. Brynhildr somewhere in there. Not sure if that will be the whole BDBOX at once or if we’ll get them out one volume at a time.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
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