This face is pure sex.
I can say with certainty that 10 will be out tomorrow.
TLC Edit: It won’t be if it’s up to me :^)
Would you die to save best girl? What if I told you that fansubbing will help you do that? Join us in saving best girl. We’re in need of Translators and skilled editors. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
Keep it up guys. Thanks for the release!
Thank you for the release!
Thanks for the release. Good work, keep it up.
((this face is pure sex))
After being in the cliffhanger for several times already… It is…. T^T
Thanks for the release~
You’re not my Bubby.
Best girl right fucking here.
Thanks for the new episode!
Thank you!
Finally, Sankyu
Re: TLC edit:
today is almost over?
Just realized that there’s an edit from TLC-san.
Please, be released tonight.???
It’s not even on TLC though….
>oh, please don’t let me die waiting for a new episode
im already dead
Something something timezones
We here at DDY are hard at work inventing new time zones to allow us to stall the release of this episode.
The hype is real. Lol.
What’s “10@Release” mean? Is the episode out or is it ready to be put out, or did you guys just change the number and not the status?
I believe it means it is in the process of being released, so the episode will be checked to make sure sure it is presentable. I’m guessing the episode will be released within 12 hours or so.
It means they’re holding it back out of pure spite, of course.
Oh did anyone notice Emilia was wearing the hairstyle of death? Like, was it a foreshadowing? Lol
Why was ReZero’s status changed when episode 10 hasn’t been posted yet?