begna112, 10 years ago
What you are about to watch is top-secret. If you don’t enjoy the OP2 kfx, the 11.5 OVA and the new content in episode 13, they will know and they will find you.
Episodes 3 and 11 1080p don’t have patches because of video and audio errors.
Staff credits after the break.
In other news, we’re hiring! We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Timers, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | patch | DDL
1080p: torrent |patch |DDL
Continue reading Gokukoku no Brynhildr BD Batch
begna112, 10 years ago
The conclusion to the Brynhildr BDs is finally here! If you ever wondered what the glorious screaming in the second OP said, give these a watch and check out the kfx. And, even if you already watched the TV release, you should check out episode 13 which has about 3 minutes of extra content.
Batch will be out this weekend.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
the rest of BD BOX 2 is on it’s way as well.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
Sereft, 11 years ago
Did someone say lightning fast?
Yes, yes, they are uncensored. You sick people.
We’ve included commentary tracks that came with the BDs for episodes 2, 5, and 6.
Also, Murakami is the most useless character I have ever seen in my entire life, only second to faggot of the year ghost Tada Banri. Just LOOK AT THAT CLUELESS FACE. I WANT TO PUNCH HIM.
begna112: episode 05 of the 720p was missing fonts. Sorry it took so long to get the patch ready.
720p: torrent | DDL | Patch
1080p: torrent | DDL
Sereft, 11 years ago
Lightning fast. Unlike the Noragami batch. *glares at cheshyre*
720p: torrent | DDL | patch
The patches will only work with our latest files – that means if we’ve released a v2 for an episode, you’ll have to go grab that first.
begna112, 11 years ago
This can’t be happening… Fakku is down!?!?
Look forward to the blurays which will be coming out in two large volumes. And the OVA in September! Hope you enjoyed the show.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
They use a hex editor to restore data this episode. What is this? NCIS?
720p: torrent | DDL
Sereft, 11 years ago
May it please the court, I appear with begna112 for the plaintiff.
On the 16th of June, 2014, at 4:41PM AEST, the following events took place.
<~begna112> itsP did u UL ur QC?
<@itsP> yes
<~begna112> wtf
<~begna112> u didnt say that
<@Sereft> omfg
<@itsP> surprise
<~begna112> man seriosuly
<~begna112> i was waiting for u
The defendant’s plea?
<@itsP> oh god i only finished it like 30 minutes ago
And the plaintiff’s response?
Plea denied.
Does the defendant have any further comments?
* itsP sits quietly in the back of the room
<@itsP> avoiding eye contact
The plaintiff rests their case.
and begna does not despite having to work in 4 hours. :<
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
Murakami proves he’s a man.
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
NO! =3=
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
I honestly wasn’t expecting this episode.
Flag & Persona 3 movie tonight!
720p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 11 years ago
v0 because there is some serious censorship this week. We will be getting ATX on Friday for the uncensored video if it is uncensored.
720p: torrent | DDL
Update: ATX is censored. Sorry for getting everyone’s hopes up. We were hoping it would be. Guess wait for blurays!
begna112, 11 years ago
This episode gets intense.
720p: torrent | DDL
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