Saeval, 10 years ago
I bet you were expecting Latifa, but we preferred to go with second best girl Sylphy this time. I’m sure you don’t mind anyway.
Starting with this volume, we’ll be including Sentai’s subtitles as a secondary track. However, we won’t be making any changes to their script. It will be simply shifted and quickly checked. From a quick check, however, it appears they are quite decent. We’ll be adding Sentai’s subs to the rest of the episodes in batch as well.
Main subtitle track is as always by Vivid – thank you by the way!
If you enjoy Amagi Brilliant Park, you’ll be happy to know that working with us is just as fun. So if you’re a Typesetter or a KFXer feel free to apply. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors and quality checkers are also welcome. In any case you can head over to our recruitment page to get started.
Vol. 6 720p: torrent | DDL
Vol. 6 1080p: torrent | DDL
Saeval, 10 years ago
Latifa is so best girl.
Expect more BDs soon. And #BlameItsP for stalling Trinity Seven.
These volumes feature NCOP-ED, so you can now enjoy those in their full glory without those ugly overlays. Expect a v2 of previous ones before batch (probably).
As usual thanks to Vivid for the original subs, and to Xenath3297 for the extra QC.
If you enjoy Amagi Brilliant Park, you’ll be happy to know that working with us is just as fun. So if you’re a Typesetter or a KFXer feel free to apply. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors and quality checkers are also welcome. In any case you can head over to our recruitment page to get started.
Vol. 4 720p: torrent | DDL
Vol. 5 720p: torrent | DDL
Vol. 4 1080p: torrent | DDL
Vol. 5 1080p: torrent | DDL
Saeval, 10 years ago
Latifa is best girl but Sylphy is a very good second.
As usual, thanks to Vivid for the original subs. Also thanks to itsP for TSing fixing and to Period for extra QC.
And once again, I suggest you all to download the 1080p version, because if a show deserves it, this is the one. “But Saeval, I’ve got a toaster, I can’t play 1080p files!” – no problem my child, just download both and when you’ll have a better PC just re-watch the series in glorious full HD.
If you still don’t know, we’re hiring! We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Timers, Typesetters KFXers, Editors and Quality Checkers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p torrent | DDL
1080p torrent| DDL
Saeval, 10 years ago
It’s alright indeed. We finally made it.
Pic of best girl because best girl.
Also, this volume – as well as future ones – features a slightly different encode. Just saying for those out there who ruined their eyes comparing this release to the other one. Yeah right, as if there were someone like that.
As usual, thanks to Vivid for the original subs.
In other news, we’re hiring. We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Typesetters and KFXers. Skilled Editors and Quality Checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p: torrent | DDL
1080p: torrent | DDL
begna112, 10 years ago
Subbing for best girl.
Thanks to Vivid for the original subs.
Encoder’s note: I **strongly** suggest picking up the 1080p version, the show really deserves it. Were it for me, there would be no nerfed 720p :V
In other news, we’re hiring! We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Timers, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.
720p torrent | DDL
1080p torrent| DDL
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