The announcements just keep coming! and there’s still more to come! An original translation of Black Bullet for our fourth pick of the season!
It’s come to my attention that for some users with another version of the dialogue font installed may see the wrong font. Patch HERE.
Staff after the break.
Encode: denpa
TL: konton
Edit: Tetrus
Timing: Chaoss (Floris257 as well)
QC: cheshyre, Nazaki
TS: Logarithm (begna112 this week)
kfx: logarithm
Song TL/TLC: konton, Nightowl64
Song edit: Noire
as far as we can tell, there is no censoring in the CR video. it is identical to the ATX video but higher quality. we’ll continue to check atx each week tho.
Just curious, why aren’t you guys doing a CR-edit? Wouldn’t it be more efficient?
We don’t like CR edits in general. We’ll do them when we have to but if we have a willing translator, that’s preferable to us.
what’s the font patch about? if I can view the subs it shouldn’t be needed right?
briefly skimmed thru the subs, noticed some minor stuffs
for the line in 19:12 ” that’s the end of day three”, it seems abit off?
cr ver “our daily routine is complete”
also in 22:42 think the protagonist mentioned Enju, but that wasn’t in the line
for some people who had a different version of the dialogue font installed already, this would result in the font being very thin. I repackaged the correct font to separate it so that video players dont confuse them.
Thanks for the suggestions. we’ll talk to our translators about it.
Thank you very much for the release guys, you guys are releasing a lot of quality stuff this season.
Thanks for Loli Bullet ^^
Any chance of adding a second subtitle track for those who prefer honorifics?