
TV Batches



https://damedesuyo.com/uk-polish-dating/ Vol. 1-6 @ Batch (Period)
Blend S Vol 2-5 @ retiming (Owningmatt93)
Dimension W Vol. 2-6 @ QC (begna112), OVA @ Edit (begna112)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Vol. 2 @ TM,TS,QC, TM (SP2) (all Period)
Gakkou Gurashi Vol. 1-6 @ All (begna112)
Keijo!!!!!!!! Vol. 1 @ edit (skiddiks)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond Vol 1-6 @ TL/Edit (Sei), Vol. 6 @ encode (begna112)
Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OAV OAV @ TL (Sei)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Vol. 1-6 @ QC (Nazaki)
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Vol. 1 @ encode (Saeval)
Kono Bijutsubu Vol. 1-6 @ All (Period)
Koukaku no Pandora Specials @ TL
Love Lab Vol. 7 @ TS (begna112)
Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol. 1-4 @ retiming (begna112), Vol 5-6 @ edit (Period), TLC (shinchan)
NGNL Vol. 6 @ QC (Stein)
ReZero Re:Petit All @ edit (Nazaki)
Soushin Shoujo Matoi OVA @ TL (Areki)
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Vol 1-6 @ encode (begna112)



The Return of Direct Downloads

Some of you may have noticed that DDL links have been reappearing on the site over the past couple of hours. We’ve figured out how to easily integrate Mega.co.nz uploads into our release process and that’s how we’ll be offering it from now on.

We’ve tried to retroactively update the links on every release post to date (with the exception of a few shows that were never batched). So, if you find a DDL link that doesn’t point to Mega or doesnt point to the right folder on Mega, let us know. Remember, you can get easy access to all of our torrents and DDL links by clicking on the “Projects” tab in the navigation bar under the banner.

A note: our Mega downloads use free accounts. This means that each of our accounts gets 10GB of traffic every 30 minutes. Around release times, we might hit this limit very quickly. We ask that you be patient and try again in 15 minutes or so if you can’t use the torrents.

And lastly, I’d like to ask again that, if you can afford it, please help us meet our server costs by donating through the Gratipay widget on the right. Every little bit helps and just 25$/week would help us break even. If we go over this amount, we’ll first use extra funds to get a paid Mega account to help with bandwidth constraints.

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